This compendium provides a collection of case studies describing area-based approaches to urban challenges related to humanitarian crises and developmental challenges from a range of contexts, including rapid onset natural disasters, conflict, and rapid urbanization. The case studies are summarized in a table by type of crisis and variations of multi-sectoral support. The compendium was funded by EU aid agencies and the case studies are sourced from multiple agencies and collected by the Urban Settlements Working Group
of the Global Shelter Cluster. A few of the case studies highlighted tenure and HLP.
The document organizes various case studies by applying scales and attributes of area-based approaches and lists the characteristics of these approaches to help categorize the types of case studies. The document also provides a matrix that indicates combinations of multisectoral interventions implemented in the case studies, including Shelter, WASH, Health, Protection DRR, Urban Planning, Early Recovery, livelihoods, Infrastructure, and psychological support. It describes common attributes of area based approaches and clarifies the reasons for adopting area-based approaches. The document categorizes the different scales and stages of area-based approaches and categorizes each case study into either city (C), district-borough (D) and neighborhood/ward (N) scales. In summarizing the case studies, the document provides guidance on area-based approaches regarding achievements, challenges,
common enabling contexts, and opportunities for scaling up area-based approaches.
For most case studies, the document provides the context, project output/outcomes, key achievements, main challenges, and key lessons learned, and the phases of each project. This provides guidance on how the D and N scale area-based relates to HLP and Tenure. The Lebanon Refugee Crisis Response case study highlights utilizing the neighborhood approach for HLP. It utilized HLP awareness sessions to raise awareness of HLP rights and obligations in landlord-tenant relationships and improve tenure agreements. For Tenure, the following case studies highlighted the security of tenure as one of the primary issues or key achievements in the neighborhood approach:
- Legalizations of Urban Settlements in Colombia
- BRACED program: Disaster Risk Reduction and Disadvantaged Urban Settlements in Jamaica
- Neighborhood Approach to Urban Disaster in Ravine Pintade, Haiti
- Typhoon Haiyan Recovery Program in Tacloban City
- Supporting urban rehabilitation for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Tripoli
- Kabul Area Shelter and Settlement (KASS)