These guidelines provide direction on closure for CCCM practitioners specifically for collective centers. Guidance on durable solutions upon closure of collective centers, eviction, and transfer of ownership is provided. Information particularly relevant to HLP include the privatization of collective center buildings and establishment ownership.
The chapter on collective center closure is organized into two main sections: Evictions and Moving Towards Durable Solutions. The evictions section provides information on reasons for evictions, ensuring adequate future conditions, and resident participation. The durable solutions section contains the most HLP-relevant content. Guidance is provided on vacating collective centers, including a field experience example of issuing long-term residence permits.
Information on privatization and ownership, if the collective center building remains in use, including a field experience example from Georgie on granting long-term collective center ownership to residents, is provided. Also provided is information on options for collective center closure when the use is undecided or turned into social housing.
A useful chart on different closure models provides information on different possible uses for collective center buildings after closer, possible outcomes for residents, advantages, and implications.