CCCM Case Studies - Chapter A Participation 2020

The chapter on participation in the CCCM 2020 Case Studies document provides guidance on ensuring meaningful participation of refugees, internally displaced, returnees (refugees/IDPs), migrants, and other displaced populations in rural, peri-urban, and urban contexts in decision-making processes and camp governance. Guidance on participation is provided for the following stages of the camp life-cycle: set up/improvement, care and maintenance, and site closure. CCCM actors can adapt this information to establish community leadership and governance mechanisms for HLP management and capacity building. 

The chapter provides case study examples from the following countries and covers the following topics: Bangladesh - Women’s participation and Response to Covid-19, South Sudan - Inclusion of persons with disabilities, and Afghanistan - COVID-19 communications.

A chart is provided outlining the following camp standards: site lifecycle planning, SMA and site management team capacity, governance structures, community participation, information sharing with communities, feedback, and complaints, and a safe and secure environment which includes indicators, remarks, and case study references for each standard. The indicators are helpful markers to meet when establishing community councils for addressing HLP concerns and informing communities of their HLP rights. 

The Bangladesh case study on women’s participation provides a detailed overview of CCCM activities undertaken to support a women’s participation project (WPP). Some of these activities include leading the Risk Communication and Community Engagement Activities (RCCE) and the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) tool, which could be effective in helping women receive information and ask questions about their HLP and tenure security rights or pathways to resolve disputes. The case study also summarizes key challenges and lessons learned. 

The South Sudan case studies on capacity building, communications with communities, and inclusion of persons with disabilities in site improvements provides an overview of the establishment of a community disability committee (CDC) and protection risks faced by persons with disabilities. This information is useful for understanding how HLP and tenure security issues impact persons with disabilities and how CDCs can facilitate improved participation and dissemination of information to persons with disabilities. Key achievements and challenges are provided from this project.

Afghanistan’s case study focuses on community governance capacity building. It provides an example of camp management setting up a governance structure, two-way communication, and a referral pathway, allowing the IDP committees to communicate directly with the CM agency. A detailed overview of the CCCM activities to achieve this are provided, including enhancing women’s participation and establishing inclusive and localized coordination and advocacy mechanism. Also provided is information on how coordination impacted the project.
