HLP: Urban Displacement & Outside of Camp 2014

The guidance provided in this desk review is focused on issues and challenges of providing camp services to populations in urban displacement settings. The review identifies gaps, explains the context, and provides guidance for addressing urban and out-of-camp displacement. Tools and case studies are provided to help practically apply the guidance. This is useful for CCCM practitioners operating in urban displacement settings and other non-camp situations.

The first section provides a general overview of urban displacement and the objectives of the study. Part 2 outlines in detail eight key humanitarian challenges in urban settings, focused on lack of coordination, commonly agreed upon approaches, policies, and criteria, and crossovers with the humanitarian and development sectors. Examples of successful strategies and activities for addressing these gaps are provided throughout the section, including an example of an urban profiling exercise from Delhi India
and early recovery response in the Philippines.

Part 3 includes a table that provides examples of where CCCM, in partnership with other clusters/sectors, has developed strategies for working with IDPs outside of camps, including the displacement dynamics of each context and a brief description of the strategies and activities conducted outside of camps. The locations include Burma/Myanmar and South Sudan. A helpful diagram visually displaying areas of CCCM expertise that are relevant to urban and outside-of-camp settings is provided.

The study identifies five key areas of opportunity for intervention to improve responses to outside-of-camp contexts, including examples of tools, approaches, and strategies for each: 1) governance and community participation (example from Haiti), 2) information management (example from Jordan), 3) monitoring and advocacy for the provision of protection and key services (example from Niger), 4) advocacy for durable solutions, and 5) capacity building.

Part 4 focuses on outlining a possible CCCM approach in urban and outside-of-camp settings. The Center for Communication and Community Management, or the center approach, aimed at providing a physical space to facilitate coordinated responses that can be handed over to local governance/community structures is introduced.11 This could be an effective strategy for providing a space for community members to work with local officials on HLP issues. Three possible modalities for a CCCM approach in urban and outside camps settings are outlined: 1) communication center, 2) community engagement center, and 3) coordination center with a diagram and explanation of each.

Part 5 provides five areas for CCCM responses to focus on in the future of urban displacement outside of camp contexts. 1) partnership and consultation, 2) advocacy, 3) capacity building, 4) development of tools, and 6) implementation of a pilot project. Advocacy is particularly relevant because advocacy has been identified by HLP experts and CCCM practitioners as a promising mechanism for addressing HLP and tenure security issues. A chart with proposed actions for each area is provided.

Out of Camp