HLP Thematic Area Guide: Guidelines for integrating gender-based violence interventions in humanitarian action 2015

This Thematic Area Guide is aimed at assisting national and international HLP actors and communities affected by humanitarian emergencies to coordinate, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate essential actions for preventing and mitigating gender-based violence (GBV) in HLP interventions. The guidance provided is useful for CCCM actors engaging in HLP issues, coordinating with HLP practitioners, and planning for preventing/mitigating GBV in CCCM projects, particularly in contexts affected by cyclical disasters. It is specifically targeted at non-GBV specialists who should undertake activities that significantly reduce the risk of GBV, and it can also be used as an advocacy tool. The guidelines include strategies for GBV prevention/mitigation in the preparedness, design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation phases of project planning. 

The introduction to the guidelines provides a thorough overview of gender-based violence, including essential information about the nature of GBV in humanitarian settings, contributing factors and causes of GBV, and key considerations for at-risk groups (woman heads of households). The second part of the guidelines is focused on HLP and guiding principles for addressing GBV. Five elements of the program cycle and essential actions that should occur within each to address GBV are outlined as follows: 

  • Assessment Analysis and Planning: Key assessment target groups, example questions to ask related to HLP and GBV, and how to assess GBV and HLP are provided
  • Resource Mobilization: Example lists of GBV-related points to include in each section of a project proposal
  • Implementation: Actions HLP actors can take to integrate GBV risk reduction in programming, policies, communications, and information sharing. A successful case study from Liberia is also provided
  • Coordination: Guidance on key-GBV related areas for cross-sectoral coordination with NGOs, community-based organizations, INGOs, UN agencies, national/local governments, and humanitarian coordination. A useful graphic visually displaying how HLP intersects with different humanitarian sectors (including CCCM) and how they engage with GBV is also provided
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Specific guidance on monitoring and evaluation indicators, how to calculate the indicators, possible sources of data, and which stage of the program each indicator should be measured

A chart displaying each of these elements, corresponding essential actions, and stage of emergency applicable to each section is also provided.
