HLP: Housing, Land and Property Rights in Shelter Due Diligence Guidelines 2022

The Protection Cluster’s Due Diligence Guidelines for HLP provides step-by-step guidance on engaging with HLP from the preparatory phase of a project through implementation and evaluation. While focused on the context of shelter in Iraq, it provides guidance on engaging with HLP from the beginning and sustaining engagement through the life of a project. The guidelines are a useful resource for planning how to conduct due diligence for HLP in every stage of a project and the proposed questions to consider when analyzing an HLP context and stakeholders to engage have cross-sectoral relevance.

The guidelines categorize project planning into five phases: Preparation, Planning, Pre-Implementation, Implementation, Evaluation, and Feedback Mechanism, with step-by-step guidance on how to engage with HLP, key questions to consider, and what kinds of stakeholders should be engaged at each phase. This includes guidance on informing local authorities, raising awareness within the community, and how to address situations with widespread missing and destroyed documents.

The guidelines offer a checklist that sets out the main factors that should be considered when entering a use agreement during the pre-implementation phase of a project. Additionally, guidance is provided for establishing an evaluation and feedback mechanism to ensure accountability of those engaging with HLP, examples of possible types of channels, and mutual benefit of evaluation and feedback mechanisms for beneficiaries and practitioners.
