Humanitarian Programme Cycle

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These sections are relevant to CCCM Clusters that are engaged in Humanitarian Programme Cycle processes.   

They should be read alongside:   

  You can find in this section information on:  

  • What the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) is  
  • Needs assessment and analysis: developing a Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO)  
  • Strategic response planning: developing and costing a Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)  
  • Flash appeals in new emergencies  
  • Monitoring & reporting on HRP activities  
  • Monitoring funding status (using the Financial Tracking System, FTS)  
  • Pooled Funds  

 Do not forget that a CCCM Cluster needs to have a CCCM Response Strategy in place, too. This is a separate document, although it must be aligned with the HNO and HRP. Planning to develop the CCCM Response Strategy in the same timeframe as the HRP is often the most efficient use of time. You can find guidance and an example timeline in Toolkit Section 4. Strategic Planning.  

















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