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This section covers three topics, providing technical guidance, templates, and examples for:
- Strategy development
- Developing a Cluster workplan
- Cluster transition planning
Strategy Development
All CCCM Clusters must have a CCCM Response Strategy in place that guides the implementation of CCCM response. A CCCM strategy must be needs-based, adapted to the context, and based on consultation with Cluster partners and other key stakeholders. The process of developing a strategy is as important as the end document produced. It provides an overarching framework, a vision for the response, and guidance on the prioritization of activities that are relevant throughout the implementation period.
This guidance focuses on the development of a CCCM Response Strategy but is relevant to any strategy you might develop. It covers:
- Steps to developing a strategy
- Designing consultation processes
- Differences between the CCCM Response Strategy and the HNO/HRP
- Role of the Cluster Lead Agency in strategy development
- Tips for considering localization in strategy development
- Developing a response framework (log frame) and monitoring plan
- CCCM Cluster strategy template plus country examples
Cluster Workplans
A CCCM Cluster should have a work plan in place that outlines the planned collective work by CCCM partners and the Cluster Coordination team to support the overall CCCM response. Also functioning as a tool of accountability of the Cluster coordination team to CCCM partners, the work plan usually covers the period of a year and is developed when the CCCM Response Strategy is finalized. You can find short guidance on the development of work plans plus an example template.
Cluster Transition & Deactivation
Cluster deactivation is the closure of a formally-activated cluster. Cluster transition is the process – the planning and implementation – of transferring cluster leadership and accountabilities, leading to deactivation. Deactivation of a CCCM Cluster could entail the handover of responsibilities to another actor or sometimes could be a full exit of CCCM coordination if it is no longer required in the response.
The transition of a CCCM Cluster is about the transition of the coordination mechanisms for a humanitarian CCCM response. While planning for a transition or handover of the operational CCCM response and transition of the coordination of the CCCM response are linked and might take place at the same time, it is useful to think about them separately.
This guidance covers:
- Timing and decision-making for CCCM Cluster transition and deactivation
- Consideration of future transition early on in a response
- Cluster transition and operational CCCM response
- Developing options for Cluster deactivation
- Designing a transition process
- Examples of past CCCM Cluster transition and deactivation