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Cluster Workplans
A Cluster Coordination team should have a workplan in place. The Workplan should outline the planned collective work by CCCM partners and the Cluster Coordination team to support the overall CCCM response and is separate from any internal managerial/team workplans used within the Cluster team.
The Workplan should be presented to the SAG, and functions as a tool of accountability of the Cluster Coordination team to the SAG / CCCM partners.
A Workplan usually will reflect the timeline of the response plan/appeal, following the Humanitarian Programme Cycle, developed when a CCCM Response Strategy is finalized, and can be reviewed regularly.
Your Workplan should contain:
- Main topics of work planned by the Cluster Coordination team
- Planned collective work through the Cluster by CCCM partners to support the CCCM response (e.g. partners working together to develop technical guidelines)
- Topics of work and deadlines for any Technical Working Groups (TWiGs)
- Specific planned work with other Clusters (e.g. joint technical guidance)
- Major workstreams of the Cluster e.g. HNO/HRP cycle, Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring, winterization planning, etc.
- Training or capacity-building plans