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Cluster Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the CCCM Cluster Coordinator(s) and the Cluster Lead Agency to advocate with donor communities for funding on behalf of the CCCM Cluster as a collective. Read more about resource mobilization responsibilities in Toolkit Section 7.4 Resource Mobilization

In addition, humanitarian donors can be important stakeholders in advocacy efforts.  

A CCCM Cluster Coordinator and Co-Coordinator should:  

  • Develop relationships with existing and prospective humanitarian donors present in country 
  • Take the initiative to contact donor government representatives, and any potential private donors that are present in country, to explain the CCCM Cluster strategy, response priorities, and resource needs 

Donor Mapping

Mapping out which humanitarian donors are present in a response, their priorities, and whether they include CCCM in their funding strategies is an important first step to being able to fully engage with donors.  

The Donor Mapping Tool in Toolkit Resources below is designed to help you identify and engage with donors. For adaptation as needed, it contains: 

  • Donor overview 
  • Tracking tool for donor engagement  
  • Contacts list 

What Do Donors Want?

The following guidance is adapted from the Health Cluster Guide, 2020. 

Not all donors want the same, but in general they appreciate: 

  • To be engaged – trust is a constant dialogue 
  • Information – to be informed and consulted 
  • Good reports that show the impact of their funding 
  • Value for money – proof that taxpayers’ funds are being used in an efficient and economical manner to achieve their goals, and prioritization of activities and exit strategy are well defined 
  • Visibility 
  • Acknowledgement that the donor is not a cash machine! 


Main methods for donor engagement include: 

  • Interaction in Humanitarian Country Team or CCCM Cluster meetings 
  • Information sharing (for example: regular CCCM Cluster products; Situation Reports (SitReps) on notable events; periodic reports; informal updates on specific events) 
  • Bilateral or multilateral meetings 
  • Informal or formal briefings – in person, online, or by email 

Other methods include: 

  • Joint visits to project sites 
  • Joint donor events 
  • Visits to donor capitals (usually done at a high level, including by the Cluster Lead Agency)


It is important to maintain an ongoing dialogue with donors on the evolution of needs, results achieved, and funding received. And, to keep donors who might engage in advocacy, or be part of decision-making discussions, updated on the CCCM context, evolution of needs, and emerging concerns. 

Aim to understand what the CCCM Cluster can bring to the table to be useful for donors, rather than only engaging when requesting money.  

  • Encourage current and potential CCCM donors to actively participate in the CCCM Cluster, including attending Cluster meetings. This will enable donors to have a better understanding of Cluster priorities and processes. Also, many donor representatives will have significant previous humanitarian experience and will be able to make valuable contributions to discussions and decision-making. 
  • Understand the particular respective interests of the various donors and keep them informed on these 
  • Provide more detailed information if requested by a particular donor 
  • Develop and maintain a list of CCCM-focused donor contacts for strategic communications 
  • Prepare and regularly update concise briefing materials, including presentations and graphics, on: 
    • Evolution of needs 
    • CCCM Cluster strategy 
    • CCCM achievements 
    • CCCM funding status and gaps, and priority funding needs  
    • Advocacy messages, including on critical issues arising in displacement sites 
  • Organize joint CCCM Cluster Coordinator/Co-Coordinator and donor programme visits 
  • Organize a schedule of bilateral meetings with key donors for briefing and situation updates 

Specifically for resource mobilization: 

  • Familiarise yourself with donor funding cycles, so you know what engagement is most useful, and when  
  • Encourage donors to provide funding for specific aspects of the CCCM Cluster plan 
  • Encourage donors to provide funding for specific CCCM Cluster partners (key agencies with expertise and capacity) and for local/national actors according to the CCCM Cluster strategy 
  • Link potential donors with specific CCCM Cluster partners, where appropriate 
  • Clearly articulate resource mobilization activities in the annual Cluster workplan 

Specifically for advocacy: 

  • Keep key donors informed of changes in CCCM context and emerging concerns 
  • Use informal as well as formal channels for information-sharing, particularly on fast-moving issues of concern. For example, initially sharing a SitRep jointly with key CCCM donors, and then following with an update with individual emails relevant to the interests of that donor. Donor representatives value feeling informed and engaging at an individual level can help when requesting advocacy support.  

Related Resources

References & Further Reading
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