Technical Guidance & Standards

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This section provides overview information, links to global guidance and standards, and example country-level tools, for cluster coordination teams to be able to: 

  • Enhance your own understanding of the topic 
  • Share technical resources with, and promote good practices to, CCCM partners 
  • Develop technical guidance with and for Cluster partners specific to your context, as needed 

It covers: 

  1. Types of CCCM – including site management, site management support, area-based approaches, remote management, and reception and transit sites 
  2. Site typologies 
  3. Site setup & closure - including site selection, site planning, site maintenance, relocation, decongestion, departures, evictions, handover of site management, consolidation, closure, and decommissioning 
  4. Community engagement
  5. Capacity strengthening – for operational CCCM, and for emergency preparedness 
  6. Preparedness & contingency planning/DRR – including developing emergency preparedness plans, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), site incident response including fires and flooding 
  7. Cash
  8. Durable Solutions
  9. HLP
  10. Minimum Standards for Camp Management
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