Cross-Cutting Issues

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This section provides overview information, links to global guidance and standards, and example country-level tools, for cluster coordination teams to be able to: 

  • Enhance your own understanding of the topic 
  • Include consideration of the issues throughout the core functions of the cluster, including needs assessment and strategic planning processes 
  • Share technical resources with, and promote good practices to, CCCM partners 
  • Develop initiatives and guidance, with CCCM partners and other clusters, specific to your context 

It covers: 

  1. Protection mainstreaming 
  2. Age, gender, diversity & disability inclusion 
  3. GBV  
  4. Child protection  
  5. MHPSS (mental health and psychosocial support)
  6. Environment 
  7. Localization 
  8. AAP (accountability to affected people)
  9. PSEA (protection from sexual exploitation and abuse) 
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