Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring

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Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM)

Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) is an important exercise, inviting Cluster partners to give feedback on the cluster’s performance and agreeing ways to improve areas that do not score well. It is required for all clusters at least once a year. In some responses, the HCT and ICCG give a timeframe for the CCPM to be carried out. If this isn’t the case, the process can be initiated by the Cluster directly, in agreement with the CLA. You can discuss this with your global CCCM Cluster focal point. In the event of a merged CCCM Cluster (not recommended), a CCPM should be conducted separately for each individual sector involved.

The CCPM requires clusters to assess their performance against the “6+1” core cluster functions and accountability to affected people (see Toolkit Section 1.2 – Core Functions of a CCCM Cluster). The process enables all cluster partners and coordinators to identify strengths and weaknesses of performance and paths to improvement. 

There are four steps:

  1. Planning
    • For a whole-country process: initiated by the HCT, with planning done by the ICCG
    • If initiating the CCPM just for the CCCM Cluster: Brief the CLA and Cluster-Co-Coordinating Partner on the proposed process. You might wish to engage the Cluster SAG to input to or endorse the process as well as the feedback questionnaire.
    • Communicate with partners about the purpose and steps
  2. CCPM Survey
    • Design/revise a feedback questionnaire to suit the needs at country level, measuring the “6+1” cluster functions. See Related Resources for CCCM Cluster reference template and examples.
    • Survey data should be collected anonymously, inviting feedback from partners at national and sub-national level.
    • The Cluster team should analyse and score responses and produce a preliminary report. For example scoring see: the GCCG’s Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring Guidance Note
  3. Cluster Analysis & Action Planning
    • The findings and preliminary report should be discussed with Cluster partners – in a meeting, or workshop – to identify any mitigating factors and agree specific actions that could be taken to improve performance if necessary.
    • Cluster team should then finalize and share a Performance Report and Action Plan
  4. Follow Up & Monitoring
    • If a whole-country CCPM is being conducted, the ICCG reviews all reports to identify any common weaknesses, and reports and action plans are presented to the HCT
    • The Cluster coordination team should monitor the implementation of its Action Plan, keeping the CLA and Cluster Co-Coordinating Partner and Cluster members updated on progress

Tips for Questionnaire Design and Analysis

  • Disaggregate data in the analysis, without compromising anonymity (e.g. explore international vs. local actors’, or national vs. sub-national partners’, perceptions)
  • Use a ranked answer system, to make scoring easier
  • Determine the scoring scale beforehand before conducting the survey.
  • Translate the survey into local languages, making it easier for local partners to input
  • Share preliminary analysis results with partners prior to workshop

Tips for Localization 

  • Translate the questionnaire & reports
  • Include appropriate measures of progress on localization in the CCPM survey
  • Separate (disaggregate) analysis to explore any differences in perceptions between international and national actors

Use the Inter-Agency Toolkit on Localization in Humanitarian Coordination, Section G Sample Documents – tool 1  (see Toolkit Section 9.7 Localization) for example questions measuring progress on principles of partnership, useful to consider for inclusion in CCPM survey tools

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