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Cluster Responsibilities
Resource mobilization involves fundraising for the humanitarian response against humanitarian response plans, flash appeals, or other calls for funding.
It is the responsibility of the CCCM Cluster Coordinator(s) and the Cluster Lead Agency to advocate with donor communities for funding on behalf of the CCCM Cluster as a collective.
Successful resource mobilization relies on a strong understanding of the global humanitarian financing landscape together with good local knowledge based on mapping of donor presence and priorities.
Resource mobilization can take place at any phase of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. Humanitarian donors make funding decisions at different times during the year, depending on their own funding cycles. In sudden onset emergencies, funding decisions are usually made quickly.
It is important to familiarise yourself with the funding cycles and priorities of the main humanitarian donors in the response, so you know what kind of engagement is most useful for which donors, and when. See Toolkit Section 7.3. Donor Engagement for tips on engaging with humanitarian donors.
A CCCM Cluster Coordinator and Co-Coordinator should:
- Have a clear picture of the CCCM Cluster funding status (requirements and gaps) and monitor this on an ongoing basis (see: Toolkit Section 5.5 Funding Status Monitoring)
- Work to increase the overall visibility of the CCCM Cluster and the financial requirement to ensure an effective CCCM response
- Proactively encourage humanitarian donors to support the CCCM Cluster response in line with the priorities outlined in the CCCM HRP chapter and CCCM Response Strategy
- Proactively support national and local organizations, enabling them to access increased levels of funding
- Mobilize resources for the CCCM Cluster through available pooled funding mechanisms and administer these processes (see: Toolkit Section 5.6 HPC – Pooled Funds)
Localization & Resource Mobilization
The CCCM Cluster Coordinator and Co-Coordinator have a key role to play in supporting local and national actors to access funding opportunities. They also have an essential role to play in ensuring that national and local NGOs are able to implement quality CCCM projects in line with international and cluster standards.
Tips for localization
Examples of actions you can take include:
- Advocating with donors to fulfill Grand Bargain commitments, and support local/national NGOs where the quality of programming is satisfactory
- Advocate for investments in institutional and technical capacity-strengthening for local/national partners, and including this in pooled funds
- Encourage Cluster partners to explore options for partnerships and consortiums between larger international organizations and local/national actors.
- This might require coordination among partners and with other clusters to ensure that some local/national actors aren’t overwhelmed with partnership offers, but that instead support is equitably distributed
- Guiding national and local NGOs through the Humanitarian Programme Cycle processes, ensuring their inclusion in contributing to strategic planning, and, for project-based HRP costing methodologies, inclusion in HRP project submissions.
- Supporting local actors to contribute to Financial Tracking Service (FTS) tracking
- Prioritizing funding for approved local/national actors in pooled funding rounds
Read more about steps you can take to promote local and national actors’ access to funding in the Inter-Agency Toolkit on Localization in Humanitarian Coordination in Toolkit Section 9.7 Localization
Related Resources
References & Further Reading
- IASC (2019) Reference Module for the Implementation of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle
- Global Child Protection AoR, Global Education Cluster, Global WASH Cluster, Global Nutrition Cluster, Save the Children, Street Child (2022) Inter-Agency Toolkit on Localization in Humanitarian Coordination
- IASC (2021) Guidance on Strengthening Participation, Representation and Leadership of Local And National Actors In IASC Humanitarian Coordination Mechanisms
- Global Protection Cluster (2022) Localization in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle
- Global Health Cluster (2020) Health Cluster Guide, A Practical Handbook