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If there are several communication priorities for the Cluster over a period of time, you might wish to adopt a communication strategy (see Yemen Communication Strategy, in Toolkit Resources below). A communication strategy can be integrated into the overall CCCM Response Strategy or be a standalone document.
Communication Products
Communication products from a CCCM Cluster can be public or can be limited in circulation to specific humanitarian organizations. Collaborative efforts and products can increase impact – e.g. CCCM-Protection, CCCM-Shelter-WASH products. Or if an issue is of inter-sectoral concern, endorsed by the ICCG.
All Cluster products should use Cluster branding: see Toolkit Section 1.11 Branding/Style Guide.
When developing any products, and/or an overall communication approach, consider:
- Who the audience is, and what type of communication method or product is most likely to reach them
- What they are interested to know – and what you would like them to know
- Translate communication products to local languages
Examples of communication products include:
- Regular Cluster IM products – communicating on CCCM response achievements and gaps, on displacement site situation, and critical issues/gaps (dashboards, factsheets, reports, etc.)
- Situation Reports (SitReps), notes & position papers
- Photographs and videos
Other methods of communication include:
- Formal and informal briefings
- Developing key messages
- Drafting talking points
Tracking Engagement
You can use analytics functions of the Cluster website to track user engagement with Cluster products. Email services such as MailChimp or SendInBlue can be used to manage the Cluster’s mailing list, and their analytics functions used to track engagement with Cluster mailouts and products. Using these can help inform adjustments to your communication approach and product design.
Photography & Videos – If you take photographs or videos of people to use in Cluster communication products, the guidelines, including for consent, of your own organization and the Cluster Lead Agency (CLA) should be followed. Photographs and videos should be cited according to CLA standards.
Social Media – If you wish to set up social media accounts for the CCCM Cluster, please inform the Global CCCM Cluster as well as your Cluster Lead Agency in country. Individual staff members within the Cluster team should follow the social media guidelines for their own organization.
Media – If you want to engage in a media request that is received by the Cluster, involve the CLA to help guide this. Individual staff members of the Cluster team should follow the media guidelines of their own organization.