The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is pleased to share the population count report on the headcount conducted in Bentiu sites in May 2024. Recognizing that there have been significant population changes since the last overall biometric registration and verification, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) conducts regular population counts to monitor population dynamics and displacement trends.
Population Count Findings
The May 2024 population count of the Bentiu Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp revealed a total population of 108,838 individuals residing in 15,889 households across 11,875 shelters, with an average of nine individuals per shelter. This marked a nine percent increase from the previous count in March 2024.
Reasons for Population Increase
The rise in population is attributed to the ongoing crisis in Sudan and insecurity in areas like Norkur and Barkor in Rubkona County, prompting more displaced individuals to seek safety within the Bentiu IDP camp.
High-Density Areas within the Camp
Specific blocks within the camp, such as Sector 1 Block 7, Sector 4 Block 5, Sector 5 Block 5, Sector 4 Block 10, and Sector 1 Block 4, recorded the highest populations. These areas of high population density can inform resource allocation and aid distribution strategies.