This advisory note supports efforts by Global Clusters to engage with development and peace actors and related processes to foster and drive a HDPN approach. Recognizing that some clusters are already advancing HDPN strategies, this note aims to further the implementation of the approach through clusters and partners as part of broader coordination efforts by the humanitarian, development, and peace (HDP) actors contributing to collective outcomes or other commonly agreed priorities. The entry points and possible actions identified in Section 4 will help clusters apply a nexus approach in country-level assessment and analysis, planning, programming, and responses within the framework of Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP), and in coordination with their United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) results groups counterparts and relevant peace actors.
This document builds on and complements existing frameworks, approaches, and tools informing the respective areas of work in each cluster/sector, and unpacks implications for the work of coordinators. Although the nexus approach should be considered in each humanitarian response and promoted in every crisis, each operational context is unique. A flexible approach is imperative to ensure bespoke and effective solutions for each context. Therefore, beyond this advisory note, cluster-specific guidance should be developed that is adaptable to the context to which it is applied.