NRC (2008-05) Camp Management Toolkit
Section: 4. Coordination (pp107-136) link
"Within Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) cluster structures, the Camp Management Agency needs to contribute to formulation of a sound CCCM terms of reference. Such a ToR is key to a strategy that reflects the needs on the ground and establishes and maintains links with other clusters."
IASC (2009-10) Joint Letter From Cluster Lead Agencies To Their Directors/representatives At Country Level
Section: Main letter (p1) link
Clarifies role of CCs and Country-level Cluster Lead Agency Representatives (CLAR): Country-level CLARs: have dual responsibility to their agency and Cluster and "are ultimately accountable to the Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator" CCs are neutral representatives of Cluster and need clear job descriptions specifying whether they have dual responsibilities.
IASC (2010-09) Generic Terms Of Reference For Cluster Coordinators At The Country Level
Section: Whole document (pp1-4) link
Provides sample TOR with tasks and responsibilities under headings: 1. Establishment and maintenance of effective coordination mechanisms 2. Preparedness and capacity-development (including, where possible, in the pre-emergency and post-emergency phase) 3. Needs assessment, analysis, prioritization and planning 4. Transition planning 5. Integration of cross-cutting issues 6. Application of standards, guidelines and good practice 7. Information management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting 8. Advocacy 9. Resource Mobilisation
SHEPHERD-BARON, J. (2011-05) What Do Cluster Coordinators Do? (Clusterwise 2)
Section: Core Competencies of a Cluster Coordinator (pp1-2) link
Overview and detailed annotation of main responsibilities of a Cluster Coordinator - a broad ToR. "The perceived credibility of the ClusterCoordinator does not so much depend on his or her technical qualifications related to the sector concerned – important though some form of qualification is – but on how he or she demonstrates application of the correct management skills."