C.02 Accountability and Indicators

C.02.01 Cluster Accountability

OXFAM (2007-02) Impact Measurement And Accountability In Emergencies: The Good Enough Guide

Section: Whole document (pp1-72)  Other languages: FR | ES | AR | HI | 
Reference book. Provides tools and checklists to help put together mechanisms for measuring impact and ensuring accountability.


IASC (2010-11) Handbook For RCS And HCS On Emergency Preparedness And Response

Section: 8. Lead and coordinate inter-cluster monitoring and evaluation (pp78-81) 
Overview of Cluster monitoring and evaluation from the perspective of the RC/HC. Includes Inter-Agency Real-Time Evaluation (IA RTE) and Inter-Agency Joint Evaluations.


SHEPHERD-BARON, J. (2011-05) Accountability (Clusterwise 2)

Section: Whole document (pp1-6)
An overview of the directions of accountability in the Cluster approach (note, written prior to Transformative Agenda) and some of the more practical issues around why accountability in humanitarian interventions has often been hard to achieve. Includes the RASCI accountability framework from the Health Cluster Coordination Handbook.


IASC (2012-08) TA Protocol 4: Reference Module For Cluster Coordination At The Country Level (Transformative Agenda)

Section: 9 Coordination Performance Monitoring (pp23-24) Local link | no link | Web link 2
Brief overview of Coordination Performance Monitoring including requiements to Complete the "Cluster Activation Checklist" and the "Coordination Performance Report" (see other docs).


IASC (2012-11) TA Protocol 3: Responding To Level 3 Emergencies: What ‘Empowered Leadership’ Looks Like In Practice (Transformative Agenda)

Section: Whole document (pp1-2)
"Following the adoption of the IASC Transformative Agenda, Humanitarian Coordinators (HC) will be empowered to lead the response to any Level 3 (L3) crisis for an initial period of three months."


IASC (2012-12) Cluster Performance Monitoring Guidance Note (Draft)

Section: Whole document (pp1-19)
Draft guidance note for CPM: "Cluster Performance Monitoring (CPM) is a self-assessment of cluster performance against the six core cluster functions set out on the ‘Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at Country Level’ and accountability to affected populations"


IASC (2013-01) L3 Cluster Activation Checklist (Self-assessment) (Pdf Version Of Excel File)

Section: Whole document (pp1-5) 
"The Coordination Performance Checklist is a simple tool designed to monitor progress of coordination arrangements, including cluster activation and implementation for the first three months after the declaration of a level 3 emergency or in other contexts after the activation of clusters." EXCEL VERSION IN TOOLS & TEMPLATES.


SPHERE PROJECT (2013-04) The Sphere Handbook - Humanitarian Charter And Minimum Standards In Humanitarian Response (Website Homepage Only)

Section: Webpage - Core Standard 2: Coordination and Collaboration (p)
Section on Coordination describes general standards for good humanitarian coordination. 


IASC (2013-06) Coordination Performance Monitoring: General Introduction

Section: Whole document (pp1-2) Local link | Web link 1 | Web link 2
Brief guide to the "Coordination Performance Report".

C.02.02 Examples 2-way/community Communications

IOM (2012-05) IOM Haiti Media And Communications Factsheet

Section: Whole document (pp1-2) 
IOM factsheet on 2-way communications in Haiti.


IOM (2014-01) Frequently Asked Questions - Tacloban

Section: Whole document (p) 
FAQs on rebuilding and idenity paper issues for communities affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

Package module