People in Need
People Targeted
Funding Required


An estimated 11.5 million people are internally displaced in Sudan, making it the country with the most significant internal displacement crisis in the world. Most internally displaced persons (IDPs) live in host communities, while 31.5% reside in various sites, including schools, public buildings, informal settlements, and camps. The lack of assistance in host communities prompts many IDPs to seek refuge in these sites, leading to a constant increase in their numbers and the creation of new sites.

Site visits and mapping exercises reveal that most gathering sites fall below minimum standards. Urgent needs identified include access to food, health services, non-food items (NFIs), and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities. As the conflict escalates, new IDPs arriving at these sites have no access to assistance, and the overall response capacity remains limited.

Of the 4.7 million people in need, the cluster will prioritize addressing the critical needs of 1.9 million individuals. The cluster adopts a collaborative approach, using tools such as site mapping and assessments to gather and provide targeted information, enabling efficient service delivery and improving living conditions for IDPs in collective sites. It emphasizes enhancing the capabilities of key stakeholders, including local authorities, partners, and community representatives. The cluster will support initiatives that engage communities in addressing their needs and finding long-term solutions. Close collaboration with all clusters is essential to ensure that site services meet minimum standards.

The Site Management Cluster in Sudan was activated in 2008, with the UNHCR as the lead agency. It initially operated under the Common Services and Coordination sector, led by OCHA and the Resident Coordinator's Office (RCO). With its reactivation in 2023, the sector will become a standalone entity as part of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) arrangement.


Main Objectives


  • Strengthen safe, equal and coordinated access by IDPS and those living in surrounding communities to multi-sectorial services (Protection, WASH, Health, Education, and Livelihoods)
  • Improve living conditions through site care and maintenance
  • Strengthen individual and community resilience through empowering IDPs/those living in surrounding communities, participation to decisions affecting their lives, two-way communication and social cohesion between IDPs living in camps and camp like settings and surrounding communities 













Mahmoud Awad (UNHCR)
Snr CCCM Coordinator
[email protected]


Shadan Namiq (NRC)
CCCM Cluster Officer Co-Chair 
[email protected]


Claude Muhinda (UNHCR)
Associate Information Management Officer 
[email protected]


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