El Salvador

El Salvador
El Salvador
People in Need
People Targeted
Funding Requirement

Country synopsis

El Salvador is repeatedly affected by different natural disasters, especially by rains during the winter, causing different areas of the country to be affected and therefore several people having to move to temporary collective centres enabled by the government. The country is also prone to earthquakes. Various emergencies since the preparation of the first HNO led people to seek shelter at collective centres, the largest of which was in 2022, in which around 16 thousand people had to use these centres to safeguard their lives and needed immediate humanitarian support to cover their basic needs. 

The impact of climate change has exacerbated disasters, affecting a greater number of people and increasing the need for the provision of temporary collective centres. The government of El Salvador has been making various efforts to pre-equip collective centres and to update their administration and management processes of  through the National Directorate of Temporary Collective Centres and the Technical Sectoral Commission for Temporary Collective Centres. These efforts have required continuous support from the CCCM Sector, including in knowledge building processes with municipal and departmental collective centres liaisons, in the review of guides and procedures, and in the assessment of needs and management of centres set up during emergencies.

The Sector is co-led by UNHCR and IOM, meeting quarterly and more frequently in emergency contexts to coordinate and provide support to the governement counterparts and to jointly and coordinately evaluate support to people in temporary collective centres. The Sector actively represents the Humanitarian Country Team in the regular Technical Commission meetings held monthly.


Thiago Sothe - UNHCR - Co-coordinator  [email protected]

Victor García - IOM - Co-coordinator [email protected]
