Somalia: Community Feedback Mechanism (CFM) - March 2023

March featured 4,614 complaints raised which represented a 40% decrease of recorded issues compared to the number of complaints raised in the month of February which had 7,660 issues filled. However, the low numbers of issues recorded are attributed to the CCCM CFM system shifting to Zite Manager with at least a third of the CCCM partners commencing to utilize the Zite Manager for CFM recording. However, issues filed from new arrivals have remained consistently high in both the months of February and March. 

Most of the complaints raised in March were from the Food Security and Livelihood (FSL) where 2,131 (46%) issues were recorded, 926 were registered in Shelter (20%) while under WASH, 490 issues were recorded (11%) totalling to 77% of the overall complaints raised and close to half of them being recorded in FSL sector alone. This is consistent with the ongoing shocks, drought, floods and conflict driving needs where most of the highlighted needs through the CCCM New Arrival Tracker are recorded under the FSL needs. 

The highest number of issues filed this month were from Mogadishu -Deynille district with 19% followed by Mogadishu -Kahda which had 18%, Dollow had 10%, Kismaayo 10% and Baardhere district which recorded 9% of the issues raised. The #5 districts represented 66% of all the complaints raised in the month of March of the 29 districts that recorded and reported issues through the CCCM CFM system. 

Situation Report