Retreat Report 2019

The Global Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster (GCCCMC) held its annual meeting on 2 and 3 October 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. The annual meeting targeted CCCM cluster coordinators, information management officers and other CCCM practitioners, including programme managers, camp managers, donors, as well as national and local authority counterparts - while humanitarian actors from across the sectorial spectrum interested in camp management issues also attended - representing 28 country operations.

The focus of the 2019 annual meeting was on presenting latest developments in the various areas relevant for the sector, while also advancing the sustainability and energy agenda. The underlying objective of the retreat was to gather suggestions for actions that contribute to localisation of the CCCM response in each of the presented areas. Based on the feedback from the previous years, the retreat’s format privileged few plenary presentations and more break-out sessions with a maximum of 2-3 formal presenters, to allow time for discussions among smaller groups and maximize the interaction, before summarizing the outcomes to the plenary on each day.

Click download for the full report.
