Nigeria: CCCM, Shelter/NFI Sector: Advocacy Note

Nigeria floods
  • For the past five years, the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM), Shelter, and Non-Food Item (NFI) sector has drastically been underfunded, receiving the least funding allocations of 33% and 53% of the required funding in 2022, respectively.

  • The CCCM Sector targets to provide static and mobile camp management services to 1,154,840 IDPs and 237,976 returnees. The Shelter and NFI sector on the other hand targets 1,853,609 individuals.

  • It costs an average of USD 20 to provide essential CCCM services for each IDP and returnee for the whole year.

  • The surge in Shelter/NFI needs has resulted in 3,389 households (HH) sleeping in the open, 11,531 HH living in overly crowded reception centres, and 167,196 HH living in far too crowded camp sites. Another population of 113,625 HH are living in makeshift shelters, and 188,713 HH are sharing with families and friends in small-sized shelters.

  • Most camps have IDPs living on an average of 19 m2 or less of external living space instead of the 45 m2 of international Sphere standards or the 30 m2 of living space recommended by the CCCM, Shelter, and NFI sector.

  • Evictions and threats occasioned by unresolved Housing, Land and Property (HLP) disputes are among the key challenges hindering the CCCM and Shelter responses.

Situation Report