Guidelines for IDP Hosting Sites Yemen

The guidelines draw on the Global Camp Management Toolkit (2015), the Global CCCM Cluster IDP Hosting Site Guidelines (2010) and the HCT endorsed Strategy for IDP Response in Yemen (2016) IDP while focusing on particularities of IDP Hosting Sites in Yemen. The present guidelines build upon the National Policy for Addressing Internal Displacement in Republic of Yemen (2013). This document developed by the Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster members with input from the Yemen Inter-Cluster Coordination Mechanism, highlights sectoral considerations throughout all aspects of IDP Hosting Sites following the below principles:

The authorities of Yemen are the primary duty bearer toward IDP Hosting Site residents. Appropriate support should be provided to enable the authorities to effectively assume their responsibilities, provide the necessary protection and look after the welfare of the displaced.

The planning process from IDP Hosting Site set up to closure strives to ensure that durable solutions are found at the earliest possible opportunity.

Participation of IDP Hosting Site residents in community decision making is vital. Men, women, boys and girls of all ages and backgrounds should always be included in the governance structures of the centers, and capacitate to participate effectively in order to build their confidence and promote their involvement in identifying and addressing their needs and empowering their lives.

Assistance needs and protection concerns differ in long-term and short term IDP Hosting Sites.

The IDP Hosting Site residents should be aware of the services available and how to access them. Distribution points should be accessible and distribution mechanisms should take into consideration groups with specific needs to minimize chances of violence, abuse and exploitation.

To the extent possible, contingency plans for various possible displacement scenarios should be elaborated, Such as for disasters that occur on a regular basis (e.g., flooding).

Management of the IDP Hosting Sites is crucial to the quality of life and dignity of residents. The center should also prepare residents for their life after displacement has ended.
