ABA WG & CE Forum: Case Study Burkina Faso

The mixed-community committees in Burkina Faso

 In 2019, a significant influx of displaced populations fleeing armed violence, notable since 2015, reached Fada, a town in the eastern region of Burkina Faso. This unprecedented displacement, following attacks on civilians, posed a major challenge for local authorities and humanitarian services, particularly in Fada, where some areas saw their populations double. The government’s approach was to encourage the hosting of internally displaced persons (IDPs) with host families rather than in designated sites. Therefore, the national strategy recognizes sectors and districts as key areas hosting a substantial number of IDPs. This broader urban configuration is referred to as "Zones d’Accueil de Déplacés" (ZAD, Displacement Hosting Areas). In 2020, Acted and its partner IMPACT Initiatives conducted an area-based assessment as part of the AGORA approach.1. This collaborative approach, involving communities and authorities, aimed to guide programming over three years. The assessment focused on identifying pressure points in areas with a high concentration of IDPs, or ZADs. The process included mapping key social infrastructure to guide activities and understand the context and needs of the affected communities. The goal was to strengthen government structures responsible for humanitarian action, with a particular focus on site management support.


Lessons Learned
Area-Based Approach
Burkina Faso