Co-led by International Organization for Migration (IOM) and United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) for natural disasters and conflict-induced IDP situations respectively, the Global Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster benefits from the membership of many partner agencies, as well as support from academic and private sector partners. At the country level, Camp Coordination and Camp Management is a vital humanitarian mechanism as it facilitates protection and assistance to displaced populations.

Global CCCM Cluster
Global CCCM Cluster actors ensure that systems are in place to meet minimal humanitarian standards: duplication is prevented and gaps address; using camps or camp-like settings as a last resort to provide assistance and protection to affected populations and exploring how to best provide services out of camps.
If your organization is interested in becoming a CCCM Cluster partner at the global-level, please read the membership criteria document to the right and fill out the following membership application form.
The following organizations have engaged with the CCCM Cluster at the country and/or global levels.