CCCM Cluster Strategy 2020-2021

The ongoing conflict has resulted in a complex pattern of internal displacement in north-west Syria (NWS). The main areas where IDPs are concentrated are Idleb and Aleppo governorates, with an estimated population reaching close to 2.7 million as of October 2020. Renewed violence since December 2019 has resulted in new waves of displacement, provoking secondary displacement of existing IDPs and uprooting whole communities from their homes and forcing them into flight. These “new” IDP populations have settled in a variety of settlements, which differ across zones. Communities receiving and hosting IDPs since December 2017 are saturated, with their capacity overstretch, leaving new IDP arrivals to search for alternative solutions which are increasingly limited.

Continuous displacement has led to a decrease in areas available to accommodate the newly displaced population. As of October 2020, there are 1,172 IDP sites listed the CCCM Cluster’s database hosting 1.5 million IDPs, the vast majority of which are self-settled camps. The issues of over-populated sites and lack of camp management continue to be prevalent concerns, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic where the application of preventive, response and mitigation guidance is essential. Furthermore, the severe currency fluctuation of the Syrian pound further compounds vulnerabilities as access to basic needs and services is increasingly challenging. In terms of priority needs, the CCCM Cluster found through its monthly displacement updates that the top three needs and concerns reported by people who were newly displaced in October were shelter (21%), winterization (20%), and cash (20%).
