Launch of CCCM Case studies collection 2021-2022


Join us for our CCCM Tuesday-talks introducing the latest CCCM case studies collection for 2021-22.

6th of December 2022 at 2-3 pm (UTC+1)‎

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CCCM Case Studies 2021-22


The CCCM case studies collection is now in its 7th year with a repository of more than 70 case studies. The collection shares experiences in humanitarian camp management and camp coordination responses from a wide range of country programs and topics relevant to CCCM activities. Topics discussed in the chapters include preparedness, participation, mobile & area based CCCM, environment & sustainability, localisation and site management support.

The year’s collection focuses on the topics of: Inclusion of people with disabilities, site environments, and the annual updates from camp management responses.

Join us on Tuesday to hear CCCM practitioners presenting their CCCM case studies from Iraq, Mozambique, Somalia and Sudan.


Previous Case Studies


Case Study Chapter two