Connectivity, Energy and Sustainability WG meeting

Thu, 21/01/2021 - 14:00 (START)
Thu, 21/01/2021 - 15:00 (END)

The meeting time has moved from 14th Jan to 21st Jan.

Dear colleagues,

We'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy new year and to invite you to the CCCM Cluster's first Connectivity, Clean Energy and Sustainability Working Group meeting. 

The call will be at 2:30pm on Thursday 21st January (Geneva time). The calendar invite and link to join on Microsoft Teams is below.

The draft agenda for the meeting is:
- General working group updates – endorsement, webpage etc.
- Review the draft 2021 workplan
                ○ Add/edit activities
                ○ Assign volunteers
                 ○ Set timelines for activities
 - Call for CCCM Case Studies - circulate form and deadline
If you have any additions to the above let us know.

The working group mailing list is currently quite small so please forward the invitation to your colleagues that may be interested in joining. To subscribe to the mailing list, click 'subscribe' at this link. You can unsubscribe anytime using the 'unsubscribe' link below.

Kind regards,

the Connectivity, Clean Energy and Sustainability Working Group chairs