Physical Environment

Tue, 10/11/2020 - 13:45 (START)
Tue, 10/11/2020 - 16:00 (END)
Zoom - The session time is in Central European Standard Time (Geneva)


Thank you to all you joined this session. Below are the links to the recordings and presentation materials.



Can the physical/congestion challenges in displacement sites be overcome through social behavioural changes in preparedness and response to COVID-19? Today’s Q&A is with colleagues working in health, WASH, site planning and camp management. The session invites participants to reflect on lessons learned and best practices that are currently in place in displacement sites to minimize risks and mitigate community transmission of the pandemic.

Today’s breakout sessions will then offer choices for participants to explore various aspects related to physical environment vital in site management. From what camp managers know/should know about site planning, the effort to overcome site congestion in Nigeria, informal buying and renting of land and family plots in a site, to the starting up of our working group (WG) on sustainability and environmental concerns in displacement sites.

By the end of this session, participants will have:

  • Reflected on the challenges due to the COVID-19 in displacement sites
  • Learnt about the creation of a new WG
  • Identified the House, Land and Property (HLP) challenges in displacement sites
  • Learnt about site planning
  • Learnt about decongestion interventions in the context of Nigeria

Session Facilitators: Wan S. and Jim Kennedy



  • Intro to the session
  • Q&A session: What are the site planning actions we can implement to change social behavioural due to COVID-19? 

Elena Archipovaite

Eric Fewster

Daniel Coyle

Shafiq Muhammad

  • Coffee / Stretch Break
  • Breakout sessions

Break out room #1 Connectivity, Energy and Environment 

  • Connectivity presentation
  • Energy presentation
  • Sustainability presentation
  • Working group planning

In advance on this breakout session we ask you to take this very brief survey to gather questions to be addressed during the session are for inputs into the working group's upcoming workplan.

Pre-session survey


 Jørn-Casper Øwre - Project Manager, CCCM capacity - NORCAP




 Christopher Hoffman - Global Project Manager SMART Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) at NRC




 Giulio Coppi - Global Digital Specialist at NRC




 Borja Gomez Rojo - Energy Project Manager at NORCAP




 Joseph Hwani - Energy Expert UNHCR/NORCAP




Break out room #2 HLP: "Clinic" session about informal real estate market in displacement sites

Buying and selling of camp plots - right or wrong? What should our role be in this informal real estate market? Monitoring? Observer? do's and don'ts?

How are those participating in informal real estate market having any security of tenure - what does it look like in that context? Are there threats of eviction in this setting?


 Evelyn Aero - ICLA regional Adviser, East Africa, NRC




 Ibere Lopes - HLP Advisor, Global Shelter Cluster  




 Rhoda Kadama - HLP Advisor, Nigeria, IOM




 Depika Sherchan - HLP Technical Forum Coordinator, Cox’s Bazar, NRC




 Maanasa Reddy - ICLA Specialist, Syria Response Office, NRC




Break out room #3 Breaking the myth about Site Planning

Looking at what most camp managers already know about site planning, and how to better engage with the technical experts


 Elena Archipovaite - Emergency Settlement Planning Officer, roving, UNHCR




 Isabel Skrine - CCCM Officer, Mozambique, IOM




Oriane Bataille - Regional Protection and GBV specialist, Dakar, IOM




Break out room #4 Overcoming congestion

Will showcase trials and error from Nigeria - as well as the practical ways forward.


 Alberto Piccioli - Site planner, IOM Nigeria. 




 Gideon Ngada - CCCM Project Assistant, IOM Nigeria. 




 Jessica Mamo - Project Officer (CBI/BMS), IOM Geneva. Formerly Site planner, IOM Nigeria. 




 Maaji Muhammad - Community Engagement Officer in Bentiu, IOM South Sudan. Formerly with IOM Nigeria 




Robert Odhiambo - Shelter/NFI & CCCM Sector Coordinator in North East Nigeria.




  • Plenary
  • Closing Remarks