Capacity Development Working Group Meeting

Tue, 18/02/2020 - 14:00 (START)
Tue, 18/02/2020 - 15:30 (END)

Dear all,

Just a kind reminder of our meeting tomorrow afternoon at 2PM Geneva time. You can  join the meeting at the link below:

Join Meeting                      

(Join from computer or phone)

The agenda of the meeting will be as follows :

  1.  Presentation on Capacity Development On Durable Solutions: ReDDS experience in East Africa by Salma Abdillahi.
  2. Updates on SAG endorsement of 2020 Work plan. I attach the most updated version of the work plan tasks matrix for your reference:
  3. Working Group Cross Over: Capacity Development and CM Standards. The results of the online survey and request for comments related to the CM Standards have just been released in a final report by PHAP: we will be looking at comments related to capacity development and briefly explore cross over opportunities with CM standards WG. For more information on the CM standards and to read the full report you can refer to the CM standards WG webpage:
  4. AoB

Looking forward to talking to you tomorrow.

All the best,
