Capacity Development Working Group Meeting

Wed, 06/11/2019 - 02:00 (START)
Wed, 06/11/2019 - 03:30 (END)

Dear all,

I`m happy to invite you to the next Capacity Development working group Meeting. The call will be on Wednesday 6th November, 2PM Geneva Time (GMT+1).

We will discuss the following agenda items:

  1. Updates from the Capacity Development breakout session at the October CCCM Retreat
  2. Review of the Capacity Development related action points from the CCCM Retreat
  3. Discussion on working group priorities and work-plan for 2020
  4. AOB

You can find below the link to join  the call:


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CCCM Technical Coordinator

ACTED Somalia

ACTED I Act for change I Invest in tomorrow

Skype: Elena Valentini ACTED

Mobile: +254(0)715809114 (Kenya); +252(0)906716378 (Somalia); +252(0)636816547 (Somaliland)
Website I Facebook ngoACTED I Twitter @ACTED Kenya-Somalia I Linkedin ACTED




Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))
+1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary, San Jose))
(Global Numbers)

Meeting ID: 256 739 937

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Meeting ID: 256 739 937