Webinar: Women’s Roles in Coordination during Displacement

Thu, 07/11/2019 - 14:00 (START)
Thu, 07/11/2019 - 15:30 (END)

On 7 November at 2pm (CET), the Participation in Displacement Working Group of the Global Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster will be organizing a webinar titled ‘Women’s Roles in Coordination during Displacement’, based on research conducted by Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in partnership with IOM.

Anna Hirsch Holland (CM specialist, NRC) will share findings and recommendations from her research on methods for enhancing the participation and protection of displaced women and girls in various displacement settings – formal camps, informal settlements, and out of camp urban areas, conducted over the last five months.

Specifically, Anna has been investigating two components of women’s participation and protection in the framework of camp management activities: first, women’s role in humanitarian coordination; and second, the role of older women in solving problems in the community – including with regards to women’s safety in the home.  As well as conducting an extensive desk review, Anna and her research team have spoken to more than 350 people involved in CM programmes (Iraq, Tanzania, Kenya, Afghanistan, Bangladesh) – including men, women, girls, community leaders, and humanitarian workers.

The findings and practical recommendations have been developed primarily for CM practitioners, but  are also relevant for those who are working on women’s empowerment/participation and community-based protection.

The webinar will be hosted on Zoom, which you can access through this link:


Meeting ID: 712 851 835

For questions, please contact [email protected].

If possible, please keep your cameras on throughout the call. Please be ready to start on time. The call will be open 10 minutes before the start; if you have not used Zoom before, please log-in at this time so you can get set up/test the headphones and camera.