Response overview
Key Figures - 2024 HPC
in need
In 2024, the CCCM Sector has identified 2.4 million people in need of assistance and will target 1.2 million IDPs and returnees with the following objectives:
1. Enhance displacement management in camps, areas of return and out-of-camp sites to ensure equitable and dignified access to services, assistance, and protection for IDPs through CCCM responses.
2. Enhance protection for people affected by conflict and natural disasters during displacement while seeking and advocating for durable solutions.
3. Enhance resilience and improve the ability of communities and local partners to cope with displacement and ensure local ownership and self-governance through inclusive participation, gender mainstreaming and engagement of displaced persons.
In 2024, the Sector will achieve these objectives by following global standards, strengthening community participation and representation, enhancing feedback and complaint mechanisms, recognizing differential and specific needs, site maintenance and risk reduction, implementing a site decongestion strategy, and actively facilitating pathways towards durable solutions, including technical guidance for well-informed site closures and exit planning.
Country synopsis
Nigeria is a Cluster-like Sector response.
In North-East Nigeria, there are about 2.4 million IDPs and returnees living in displacement sites across camps and camp-like settings with limited basic structures, infrastructures, and services, including protection, that require improved living conditions and assistance. Of this caseload, approximately 916,000 IDPs live in camps, more than a million IDPs live in host communities, and around 415,000 returnees live in 264 camps and camp-like settings[1].
To respond to the complex humanitarian situation in North-East Nigeria, the sector and its partners have adopted integrated site management services in IDP sites by prioritizing risk reduction and preparedness, site service coordination and monitoring, community participation and representation, facilitating right-based site closures, decongestion strategies, and strengthening the capacities of the partners and community to promote people-centred sustainable solutions. Equally, in a transitional phased approach, the sector is adopting tailored camp management modalities to suit the needs of the displaced population; this includes facilitating the nexus pathways towards durable solutions, including camp closure and exit planning, through the provision of technical guidance in the implementation of responses.
In 2024, building on gains from previous years the sector is strengthening the protection-centred provision of multisectoral life-saving assistance through effective site management and coordination of services while focusing on building community resilience and improving the living conditions of the displaced population in and out of camps.
[1] CCCM Cluster Nigeria 2024 Humanitarian Needs Overview.
Irene Mugambwa
[email protected]