The Community Engagement Forum


Welcome to the Community Engagement Forum—a global community of CCCM and other humanitarian practitioners dedicated to fostering engagement and innovation among communities affected by displacement. 


About the Forum

The Community Engagement Forum (CEF) is a global, interagency, and intersectoral platform dedicated to enhancing community engagement in displacement responses. It provides humanitarian practitioners around the world with a virtual space to exchange knowledge, resources, tools, and innovative approaches.

Coordinated by the Global CCCM Cluster, funded by UNHCR, and facilitated by NRC, CEF connects professionals worldwide to exchange ideas, address challenges, and develop effective strategies that prioritize inclusivity, with a focus on marginalized groups—especially women.


Join today and help build a shared body of knowledge that benefits all


Follow us across our platforms and:

  • Gain Expert Insights: Learn from leading professionals and deepen your understanding of community engagement.
  • Build Global Connections: Network with practitioners worldwide and gain diverse perspectives.
  • Access Exclusive Tools: Discover resources to enhance community engagement in your context.


  • Amplify Marginalized Voices: Advocate for the needs of communities, especially women and marginalized groups.
  • Stay Engaged: Participate in webinars, workshops, and monthly chats.

Our Advisory Board

The Community Engagement Forum (CEF) is guided by a rotating, voluntary Advisory Board of 3 to 8 members, balancing national and international expertise. The board offers strategic input on discussions, events, and capacity development. 

The Advisory Board plays a key role in promoting best practices and sharing resources related to community engagement, and is committed to meeting monthly to support the forum's initiatives.

Watch the video to get to know the current board, and explore the Terms of Reference (TOR) for Advisory Board members by clicking below.


Workshops, Training and Events


The CE Forum hosts regular workshops, trainings, and webinars designed to enhance skills in community engagement. Whether you're working in displacement settings or looking to improve community-based approaches, these events provide practical tools and real-world insights. Learn from experts and collaborate with professionals from across the globe.


Community Coffee and Chat

The Community Coffee and Chat sessions offer a relaxed, yet insightful platform for humanitarian practitioners to discuss challenges, share experiences, and brainstorm innovative solutions in community engagement. 

Held monthly, these virtual meetups create a supportive space to foster real-time collaboration and strengthen networks across the globe. Whether you're seeking fresh perspectives or simply want to engage with peers, grab a coffee and join the conversation by joining the CE Forum.



Community Coffee and Chat with Sarah Kilani

9 Tips to Overcome Invisible Access and Engagement Barriers

Humanitarian access in high-risk areas faces challenges like bureaucracy, violence, and gatekeeping. In a recent Community Coffee & Chat, expert Sarah Kilany shared strategies, including context analysis, trust-building, and staff training, using Yemen as a case study. Her nine practical tips offer vital guidance for improving access and engagement.

Read more

Tools and Guidance

Gain expert knowledge on community engagement

We’ve gathered a wealth of knowledge from community engagement experts around the world, all at your fingertips. Our online resources include practical toolkits, frameworks, and real-world case studies to guide you in implementing effective community engagement. You can find all these resources below and more in our Forum's repository.



Tip Sheet for Community-led Projects in Displacement Settings

The Tip Sheet for Community-led Projects in Displacement Settings is a guide based on insights from workshops held by the Community Engagement Forum and CCCM Global Cluster's Participation in Displacement Working Group. Available in English, French, and Arabic, this sheet provides case studies 
and best practices for planning, implementing, and transitioning CLPs into sustainable solutions. 

Community Engagement Definition, Terminology and Framework

This document’s purpose is to provide clarity by defining the concept of community engagement, and the types of activities that community engagement includes, within the parameters of the CE Forum.

Community Coordination Toolbox

The Community Coordination Toolbox provides tools and resources to improve community engagement and coordination in humanitarian responses, ensuring that displaced people's voices are included in decision-making and enhancing collaboration across organizations.

Explore the Community Coordination Toolbox's tools, wich include guidelines, templates, checklists, training materials, and best practices for enhancing community engagement and coordination in humanitarian responses.

We're on Trumanitarians

This episode discusses ‘community engagement’: recent wins, as well as the continued struggle to move beyond tokenism to achieve meaningful change – and whether ‘bureaucracy engagement’ might better reflect the complexities of the engagement.

In this episode, Kristin Vestrheim (Moderator), Eminenur Çınar (Board Member), and Yakzan Shishakly (Board Member) discuss their network – the Interagency Community of Practice on Community Engagement in Displacement Response. They explore the consequences of treating community engagement as a narrow, technical problem –rather than a political one — and suggest more radical and integrative solutions to help shift power back to the people.


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Join the CE Forum's group page to receive regular updates on news, announcements, and more.

Contact Us

For any questions, inquiries, or requests, please contact the CE Forum's moderator, Kristin Vestrheim, at [email protected].