According to OCHA, more than 130,000 people have fled Sinjar, Sennar state, since June 24 as the armed conflict has spread across into the Sennar State.
The displaced people have sought refuge in different states, like Gedaref, Kassala, Blue Nile, White Nile, and the Red Sea (Port Sudan). Local authorities in Gedaref State estimate some 26,000 have recently arrived, with numbers expected to rise in the coming days. In the Blue Nile State, the Sudanese Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) estimates some 30,000 people have sought safety there, while in Kassala, White Nile and Red Sea State, local authorities and partners report some 5,000, 3,900 and 500 respectively.
State-level capacities and partner resources are stretched since existing sites are fully occupied and there are limited alternative shelter options available. Gathering sites, mainly public buildings, and schools, are reportedly overcrowded. The continued use of schools as shelter also means the delayed resumption of the academic year, affecting thousands of IDPs and host community school-age children. Authorities are exploring setting up reception centres and formal sites across all states, albeit with limited resource capacities to implement these.
The Site Management Cluster and partners are working closely with the local authorities to set up the reception centres, site planning, community engagement, and site-level coordination and management structures. Partners’ capacities, however, are limited due to financial constraints and the unpredictable security situation in the response areas.
The Cluster is severely underfunded, with only 2.1% of the USD 14M required for the 2024 HRP received.