Community Coffee & Chat: Community Consultations on Project Desing

Community Coffee & Chat
Thu, 25/04/2024 - 12:00 (START)
Thu, 25/04/2024 - 13:00 (END)

This month’s Coffee and Chat will feature colleagues from Mercy Corps Lebanon who will share their learnings from consulting affected populations in the design phase of its multi-purpose cash (MPC) programme.

While multi-purpose cash (MPC) is often seen as a technical form of assistance that leaves limited scope for adapting to the community's preferences, a limited understanding of how MPC programmes work can generate frustration across affected populations. At the design stage, essential decisions regarding MPC programmes are made that can be difficult to revert later. Therefore, consulting communities at this stage is essential. However, this comes with important challenges, including raising expectations for assistance and navigating doing-no-harm considerations. During this session, Mercy Corps Lebanon will share its experience consulting affected populations in the design phase of its MPC programme.

Your active participation is crucial in this honest and important discussion about the practicalities of engaging communities in the programme design phase. We value your input, so please bring along your own examples, questions, and coffee!

Organizer: CE Forum [email protected]