Camp Management Standards Working Group

DRC 27 January 2021

Following the launch of the Minimum Standards in Camp Management handbook in 2021 the CCCM Cluster has been supporting the use and application of the Standards globally. Translations are now available in Arabic, Bangla, Dari, English, Indonesian, Korean, Pashtu, Polish, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian supporting teams to uphold rights in a diversity of displacement settings.  

The Standards are based on the premise that the right to life of individuals affected by humanitarian crisis can be expressed as the obligation to maximize their ability to access protection, services, and assistance through the vehicle of effective camp management. Effective and protective camp management depends on meaningful participation and legitimate governance; can enable services and assistance to be mobilized and ensure accessibility; and minimize and mitigate the risk of violence and facilitate meaningful and durable solutions.

Members of the CMS-WG meet every other month.


Jennifer Kvernmo [email protected]
Thomas Stork [email protected]
MSCM cover
Minimum Standards for Camp Management

We are pleased to share with you the first edition of the Minimum Standards in Camp Management. These are based on the fundamental belief that the rights of all displaced persons must be respected and their needs met in a way that supports their dignity.

The Minimum Standards for Camp Management share a common structure, similar to other humanitarian standards to support the reader in their understanding the universal statement (the minimum standard) follow by a series of key actions, key indicators and guidance notes to achieve them. They do not cover all aspects of humanitarian assistance that supports the right to life with dignity. Partner organizations have developed complimentary standards in several sectors based on the same philosophy and commitments as this set of standards. These are available through Sphere, the Humanitarian Partnership and its partner organizations own websites.

The Minimum Standards for Camp Management can be downloaded in Spanish, French, Polish, Ukrainian, Dari, Pashto, Turkish, English and in dyslexic font.