CE Forum webinar: CE in Area-Based Approaches

Tue, 05/12/2023 - 12:00 (START)
Tue, 05/12/2023 - 13:30 (END)

The Community Engagement Forum and the CCCM Cluster’s Area-Based Approaches (ABA) Working Group are excited to invite you to a webinar where we present a couple of examples of how the community can be engaged in out-of-camp displacement settings. Colleagues from NRC Afghanistan and ACTED Burkina Faso will share their experiences and learnings on this, and there will be lots of time for questions and answers. The ABA WG will also share updates on the area-based CCCM training package.

Meeting Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfR7M6PbodY&list=PLpykse793zY8H3YYf6eV8P3xqAiF2ZsuA&index=10

Meeting Minutes: https://www.cccmcluster.org/resources/ce-forum-webinar-ce-area-based-approaches