World Day against Trafficking in Persons | 30 July

Human trafficking for sexual exploitation, as a form of gender-based violence, exists across the world and in a range of contexts. Situations of displacement often increase the risks of human trafficking as community protective mechanisms may be weakened or destroyed. Displacement sites, instead of providing a safe environment for their residents, can sometimes increase exposure to violence. The Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster raises awareness on human trafficking in various operations to minimise risks and incidences of human trafficking, targeting both Global CCCM actors as well as governments.

Gender and Protection Mainstreaming in Emergency Response in Philippines

Since 2013, IOM Philippines, as the CCCM Cluster lead agency, has incorporated a comprehensive gender lens in responding to emergencies. In 2013, Philippines saw an unprecedented period of major humanitarian emergencies, from armed conflicts to natural disasters, which included a 7.2 magnitude earthquake and a super typhoon that made landfall six times in one day. The gender-sensitive approach is closely linked to changes in global momentum concerning gender mainstreaming, from expanding the role of a gender focal person in the mission, to the global commitments of the UN Girls Education Initiative (UNGEI) and the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Gender- Based Violence Area of Responsibility (GBV-AoR). One practical step taken to ensure the needs of the displaced were addressed was to implement gender and protection mainstreaming in the design and key result areas for emergency appeals. The Zamboanga emergency appeal (post-conflict) and the Bohol Earthquake appeal included specific information on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), including basic awareness on human trafficking. In response to the major displacement and devastation across many regions caused by the super typhoon Haiyan, IOM included gender sensitivity in the TORs of the protection staff recruited for field deployment. Furthermore, the CCCM Cluster implemented a PSEA orientation for all the field offices in two cycles. Recognizing that certain risks and vulnerabilities are heightened with the prevailing legal mechanisms on gender equality (or lack of it) as well as the presence of harmful cultural practices, the Philippines’ version of the PSEA orientation sessions started with clarifying gender concepts and practices that impact access to humanitarian assistance. The orientation emphasized the need to involve the affected community in generating solutions to address incidents of exploitation and abuse over the course of the humanitarian response. A training module was specifically developed for the field staff, and another one for field partners. The partnership with the GBV AoR also led to the pilot training of field staff and cluster partners (from CCCM, Shelter and Protection) on the revised IASC Guidelines on GBV in emergencies. These steps have resulted in more consistent age and sex disaggregated data generation and analysis from the post-disaster and post-conflict areas. This data is primarily generated from the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM). The effectiveness of incorporating DTM into gender mainstreaming is evident when analyzing the current levels of displacement in the Haiyan and Cotabato responses (as of end of May 2015). Having a clear baseline of disaggregated data helps humanitarian programmes, including the CCCM Cluster, be more responsive to the different needs of the displaced women, men, girls and boys. The greater challenge is ensuring that mainstreaming is done throughout the camp life cycle with the aid of systematic monitoring and impact assessments. The true success of gender mainstreaming is when resources, both financial and technical, match policy and services addressing needs and are delivered accordingly. We are not there yet, however progress is being made with every emergency response

World Day against Trafficking in Persons is on 30 July. Take a stand to help #StopHumanTrafficking #IGiveHope

Photo courtesy of @LisaKristine |

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