Guidance on strengthening disability inclusion in Humanitarian Response Plans

Reaching the people who are most in need of assistance is central to the humanitarian mandate and is reflected in the humanitarian principles of humanity and impartiality. In a humanitarian emergency, people with disabilities are often among those most in need of assistance as they are at heightened risk of violence, exploitation or abuse.  Persons with disabilities also face discrimination due to significant barriers in accessing needed humanitarian assistance. Increased vulnerability of persons with disabilities is created by a range of factors, including environmental barriers, stigma and discrimination, as well as the design and delivery of the humanitarian response itself. If persons with disabilities are not adequately considered at all phases of the Humanitarian Program Cycle (HPC), there is a risk that humanitarian action may fail to address the specific factors that place them at risk, including barriers to equitable access to protection and assistance.

This guidance provides support on how to strengthen inclusion of disability in Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs) as part of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) Humanitarian Investment Program. The aim of this work is to make humanitarian programming more responsive to the needs of people with disabilities affected by crisis.

The guidance is available in the resources section under the theme of Disability/Inclusion and at the link below.

Guidance on strengthening disability inclusion in Humanitarian Response Plans


Guidance on strengthening disability inclusion in Humanitarian Response Plans