Global Camp Coordination and Camp Management Training of Trainers 2019 - Amman, Jordan

A Global CCCM Training of Trainers (ToT) took place from 29 April to 3 May 2019 in Amman, Jordan, and it was organized by the Global CCCM Cluster. It followed the implementation of two regional ToTs 2017 in Casablanca and Dakar respectively. The Global ToT was organized to further develop the materials and to incorporate feedback received from participants of these previous ToTs.

Before the training and as a pre-requirement, participants completed the CCCM online training course and the GBV in Emergencies e-learning course. This self-study preparation was followed by group interviews with the trainers and a five-day face-to-face training and post-training support for the implementation of action plans. This learning approach enables partners implementing CCCM programs in operations to develop skills on how to deliver trainings on camp management and integrate GBV risk reduction action plans into their settlement responses.

The training utilized the updated global CCCM training materials and introduced participants to new tools and operational good practices.

The training served as an opportunity to expand the catalogue of capacity building training tools on participation by including a dedicated session on Women’s Participation in displacement contexts. The training materials were included as resources, which allowed groups to familiarize themselves with the tools that aim at improving the participation of displaced women, girls and persons with disabilities. After the training, support has been provided to participants to develop capacity building action plans which include GBV mainstreaming actions for roll out and implementation.

The training was attended by 25 participants including CCCM practitioners from six different NGOs and two governments working in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Greece, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Mexico, Myanmar; seven participants coming from Regional and Headquarters officers in Denmark, France, Switzerland and Nepal and one independent participant. The training team included CCCM staff from IOM, UNHCR and NRC HQ.

The Training Report is available here.

ToT Amman