Field-testing edition of the Minimum Standards for Camp Management.

The Camp Management Standards Working Group is delighted to share the field-testing edition of the Minimum Standards for Camp Management.

Completed with the contribution of over 850 people from all over the world, including displaced persons from South Sudan and Bangladesh, the development of the Camp Management Minimum Standards marks a significant development for the CCCM sector for the first time providing both qualitative and quantitative indicators to measure minimum standards for delivering camp management. 

In November 2020, the document was endorsed by the SAG and is ready for field practitioner's use. The Camp Management Minimum Standards aims to join the Humanitarian Standards Partnership companion guides later in the year and in so doing will affirm the premise that the right to life of individuals affected by humanitarian crisis can be expressed as the obligation to maximize the ability to access protection, services, and assistance through the vehicle of effective camp management. Effective and protective camp management depends on meaningful participation and legitimate governance to enable services and assistance to be mobilized, ensure accessibility, to minimize and mitigate the risk of violence and facilitate durable solutions.

IOM and the Danish Refugee Council chair the working group for standards for the CCCM Cluster. To join the working group, or receive more information please contact Jennifer Kvernmo at [email protected] and Tom Stork at [email protected].

