Event: Webinar Approaches to isolation, quarantine and prevention measures such as shielding of vulnerable individuals in a Humanitarian Setting Practices and considerations in a COVID-19 context

The Global Health, Shelter, Protection, Camp Management and Camp Coordination Clusters are inviting you to a webinar (via WebEx) on Approaches to isolation, quarantine and prevention measures such as shielding of vulnerable individuals in a Humanitarian Setting: Practices and considerations in a COVID-19 context 

Basic info
Time and date: Friday, 01 May 2020
15:30 – 17:00 (Geneva)
Length: 90 minutes 



As COVID-19 spreads, the humanitarian sector is quickly adapting to new challenges while continuing to provide assistance in ongoing emergencies and disasters.  The need to protect vulnerable communities and persons from the fall out of COVID-19 is real and urgent.

The webinar intends to discuss practices being piloted or considered in the field, including quarantine, isolation, shielding or creation of a ‘green zone’ in a camp or a camp-like setting and challenges faced by humanitarian actors and displaced communities in effectively implementing such measures.

Target audience: All humanitarian practitioners working in camps and camp -like settings, in particular in the areas of protection, health, shelter, camp coordination and camp management.



15:30-15:35 Welcome and introduction of the webinar,  William Chemaly, Global Protection Cluster Coordinator

15:35 – 15:40 Ensure a common approach, interlinkages and basic understanding by humanitarian actors of the topic. What is the difference between isolation and quarantine, and what do we intend to achieve with shielding measures,  Daniela Raiman, Global CCCM Cluster Coordinator

15:40 -15:50  Highlight protection issues and concerns particular to quarantine and isolation centers and alternatives used to shield vulnerable individuals in camps and camp-like settings as well as specific concerns  faced by humanitarian actors in implementing programs and delivering services that are in line with human rights standards and a human rights based approach,
William Chemaly, Global Protection Cluster Coordinator

15:50 – 16:00 What are the public health principles of isolation and quarantine, and how can these be implemented in camps and camp-like settings? How can measures aimed at shielding biomedically vulnerable individuals from COVID-19 be implemented?,
Teresa Zakaria, Health Emergency Officer, WHO

16:00- 16:10 Shelter current practices and experience: what are the measures to be taken for adjustments to shelter and settlement planning to help reduce density and mitigate COVID 19 transmission risk?,
Bret Moore, Global Shelter Cluster Coordinator

16:10 – 16:20 Camps and camp-like settings: What are the measures to be taken when setting up and managing quarantine or isolation centers in camps and camp-like settings? What are the other alternative approaches implemented by field operations when quarantine or isolation centers are not feasible?,
Daniela Raiman, Global CCCM Cluster Coordinator

16:20 – 17:00 Discussion and concluding observations

Dial-in instructions

Meeting linkhttps://unhcr.webex.com/unhcr/j.php?MTID=m8fff9d89bc5f7d19269ae246158a2517

Meeting number: 702 487 644

Password: phFicTbU675


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+44-203-478-5289 United Kingdom toll

Access code: 702 487 644

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Teresa Zakaria: Health Emergency Officer, WHO
Daniela Raiman: Global CCCM Cluster Coordinator
Brett Moore: Global Shelter Cluster Coordinator
William Chemaly: Global Protection Cluster Coordinator

Event: Webinar Approaches to isolation, quarantine and prevention measures such as shielding of vulnerable individuals in a Humanitarian Setting  Practices and considerations in a COVID-19 context