Camp Management Standards online Survey and Webinar report

The results of the online survey and request for comments related to the CM Standards have just been released in a final report by the International Association of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP).

Summary report

Full report

Webinar transcript and follow-up responses

The report summarizes the results of the online survey and captured comments that participants had on the draft document.


Overall the survey showed strong support for the Camp Management Standards, with the majority of respondents’ stating that the greatness need of the CM Standards would be to provide overall guidance for how to carry out camp management (through standard operating procedures, operational guidance, preparedness and planning).

A majority of respondents’ stated that they felt that the CM Standards should be a minimum standard rather than an aspirational standard, which was also reinforced in many comments, asking for more concrete targets for indicators.

While the application of the CM Standards as drafted the current scope was currently perceived by most respondents’  as mostly applicable to planned camps and settlements, respondents found the relevance to outside of camps or in the neighborhoods needed to be further elaborated.

Large interest in the survey resulted in nearly 500 survey responses, with the majority of replies being gathered from national staff working for International NGOs working in Bangladesh, followed by Nigeria and Somalia. The replies were further encouraged and validated by nearly 20% having been displaced themselves.

This survey serves as a launching pad for larger consultations outside the CCCM sector, and piloting them in target countries in 2020.

If you would like to be further engaged in the revision of the CM Standards please contact Jennifer Kvernmo ([email protected]) for more information.

If you missed the webinar and would still like to hear the panel discussion which aired on the 23rd of September  [1] you can download the podcast or watch the youtube recording which features a dynamic discussion on operational issues in camp management given by experts Sabit Juma, Kathryn Ziga, Gebre Ewnetu and Jennifer Kvernmo.


[1] You can listen to a recording of the webinar, here.
