- The full recording of the session
- Area-Based Approach Working Group Page
- Urban Displacement & Out of Camps Review (UDOC)
- Management and coordination of collective settings through mobile approach - working paper
- Session presentation slides
Speakers Contact Information
Mate Bogassy (Afghanistan): [email protected]
Ruxandra Bujor (Yemen): [email protected]
Shadan Namiq (Iraq): [email protected]
Ayman Aljawadi (Iraq): [email protected]
Jason Bell (Ethiopia): [email protected]
For Ethiopia presentation:
- Link to the trainer’s guide
- Link to the dropbox with the modules
- Article on their website about the pilot training in Jijiga
Videos of field presentation:
- Mate Bagossy (NRC, Afghanistan), programming
- Shadan Namiq, Ayman Aljawadi (NRC, Iraq), Exits strategy
- Ruxandra Bujor (UNHCR Yemen), Area-Based Coordination
Over the years, the roles in which CCCM and CCCM approaches can be applied in urban and out-of-camp settings have become increasingly prominent.
This session will start off with the presentation of CCCM Cluster’s position paper on Area-based Approach, followed by a round table discussion. Participants are invited to reflect on how CCCM activities and skillsets are applied to area-based approaches in humanitarian response to address some of the pertinent challenges in camp-like settings as well as dispersed contexts. Through sharing of experiences from Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq, the session will also provide opportunities for participants to become familiar with on-going ABA operations and join in on the planning of the ABA Working Group going forward.
By the end of this session, participants will have:
- Learnt about the CCCM Cluster position on ABA, and other perspectives on the topic
- Learnt about CCCM ABA programming from the experience of Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq
- Contributed to the development of ABA WG workplan for 2021
Session Facilitators: Giovanna Federici and Annika Grafweg
- Recap
- Intro to the session
- Presentation of the Cluster's ABA position paper, round table discussion
- Sharing Experiences of ABA in practice in 2020
- Focus and future of the ABA WG
- Closing remarks