Transition and Nexus

Mon, 09/11/2020 - 14:45 (START)
Mon, 09/11/2020 - 17:00 (END)
Zoom - The session time is in Central European Standard Time (Geneva)


The recording from this session is available here.


Without proper transition or exit plan, both camps and clusters can (and often do) continue to exist in limbo until the next crisis reoccurs in the same location and setting. Even when planning is carried out and invested in, challenges are inevitable when it comes to implementation.

This panel discussion asks: Do we, as humanitarian actors, startup system that is geared too heavily towards our own rulebook? Do we make it more difficult than it should be to handover to local actors? Is the “transition” environment the right time to ask these questions?

By the end of this session, participants will have:

  • Reflected on the challenges of transition in practice
  • Considered the role that both the CCCM Cluster and Camp Management Agencies should play within the process

Session Facilitator: Giovanni Cassani



Intro to the session


  • SPEAKERS: opening comments
  • Follow up question 

Q & A

SPEAKERS – final comments

Closing Remarks



Mr Giovanni Cassani

Head - Stakeholder Engagement & Coordination, UN High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement




Her Excellency Mrs Sadiya Umar Farouq 

Honourable Minister for Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social DevelopmentFederal Republic of Nigeria  




Mr Hoshang Mohamed Abdulrahman

Director General of the Joint Crisis Coordination Centre (JCC), Ministry of Interior of Kurdistan




Dr Nigel Fisher

Dr Nigel Fisher is a former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General. Until August 2014, he was the UN’s Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis. Prior to that, he had been Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Humanitarian and Resident Coordinator in Haiti, following the January 2010 earthquake. He occupied a similar position in Afghanistan in the years immediately following 9/11. He is a former Executive Director of the UN Office for Project Services. Dr Nigel is currently a consultant to governments and international organisations on disaster risk management and recovery.