Participation, Accountability & Inclusion

Wed, 04/11/2020 - 13:45 (START)
Wed, 04/11/2020 - 16:00 (END)
Zoom - Central European Standard Time (Geneva)


Thank you to all you joined this session. Below are the links to the recordings and videos.


What came first: Participation or Accountability? The terms accountability and participation are often used interchangeably, but should they be? Where do community engagement, communicating with communities and inclusion come in?

Through a moderated discussion with panellists representing different perspectives, we will try to find how CCCM practitioners operationalize and interlink these principles in the field. Presentations from the field will highlight some of the specific challenges and barriers to participation that some vulnerable groups face, and offer examples of ways to overcome them as CCCM teams. Today’s session will also include a marketplace, inviting participants to explore and gain more familiarity with the latest CCCM tools and guidance on enhancing participation.

By the end of this session, participants will have:

  • Reflected how CCCM practitioners can/do operationalize and interlink participation, accountability, Cwc and will have identified gaps and strengthen of CCCM approaches in relation to these principles.
  • Understood participation barriers for vulnerable groups living in displacement and the challenges to overcome those for CCCM teams in the field
  • Learnt about latest CCCM tools and guidance on enhancing participation

Session Facilitators: Giovanna Federici and Marjolein Roelandt




  • Recap
  • Intro to the session
  • What came first: Participation or Accountability? 
  • Participation of Vulnerable Groups. Presentations from:
  • CCCM Cluster Somalia: Inclusion of Washington Short Set of Questions in CFM
  • CP AoR on youth engagement 
  • Participation of the elderly during Covid-19
  • Market Place
  • NRC Toolbox on Community Engagement
  • Training package CCCM Cluster Somalia for CMC
  • Women in Displacement Platform
  • GN on disability inclusion IOM (TBC)
  • Closing remarks


Mate Bagossy – Camp Management Specialist, NRC Afghanistan

Mate started his humanitarian career within the Global CCCM Cluster in Geneva (IOM), and is currently the Camp Management Specialist for the Norwegian Refugee Council in Afghanistan, leading the Camp Management department programming across the country.
Before joining NRC Afghanistan in May 2019, Mate has led cross-sectorial emergency and early recovery programming in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq, working for both NGOs and the UN.



Yasmine Colijn, Programme Manager for Ground Truth Solutions

Yasmine works on strengthening response-wide accountability through humanitarian reform. She has worked in humanitarian response in Iraq, South Sudan, Greece, Tanzania, Myanmar, and the Bahamas. Her focus has been on supporting displacement-affected populations through multi-sectoral and accountable programming in emergencies and protracted crises, predominantly through work in the field of CCCM.




Ben Noble, Inter-Agency Coordinator for Community Engagement and Accountability for the IASC Results Group 2

Working under the guidance of the RG2 Co-chairs and in collaboration with OCHA, Ben, hosted by the IFRC, supports in-country leadership through the RG2 service package of response-wide guidance, tools and remote and deployable technical support. Ben is a communications expert and senior program manager with more than 10 years’ experience in supporting governmental, UN agencies, non-governmental and media organizations in providing citizens with information adapted to their needs in such fields as health and humanitarian emergencies, post disaster urban development and safe building techniques. Ben has worked in Africa, Haiti and Bangladesh in humanitarian and development activities with Internews, Communicating with Disaster Affected Communities (CDAC), The American Red Cross, The World Bank, UN Habitat, and Translators Without Borders. He was coordinator of the first CDAC working group in Haiti and more recently as TWB country director in Bangladesh he worked for the Common Service for Engagement and Accountability hosted by BBC Media Action in the Rohingya Response.

Sophie Bray-Watkins

An avid champion of participation, Sophie has worked for fifteen years in the development and humanitarian sectors supporting the engagement of young people in programming, research, and advocacy. Sophie started out in the UK youth sector working with minority groups, youth not in education and employment, young offenders, and care leavers. In 2013, after completing her master’s at Birkbeck London, she moved into research with street-connected children, before taking on her current role as Youth Advocacy and Engagement Adviser at War Child UK



Ben Conner, Cluster Co-Coordinator Somalia

Ben has been implementing CCCM programmes/providing cluster support for the last five years in countries such as Nepal, Iraq, Somalia and Myanmar.  Currently in the role of CCCM Cluster Co-Coordinator for Somalia, Ben and the Somalia CCCM cluster team are focusing on initiatives that promote meaningful participation of vulnerable community groups into CCCM programming.