Ten steps to a strategy: the strategy design process
In this session, participants will be consulted on the design of the CCCM Cluster strategy. This will share progress to date and gain valuable and diverse inputs to shape the design going forward.
By the end of this session, participants will have:
- Understood the strategy design process
- Reflected on the proposed “key work areas” and proposed suggestions on which of these areas (or others) should be prioritized
- Identified and prioritized specific activities that the Global Cluster should undertake within these work areas
- Considered the proposed strategies relating to external influences and offered opinions on
Session Facilitators: Charlie Dalrymple
Join on ZoomAGENDA
- Recap
- Step 1 - What is the role of the Global Cluster
- Steps 2 & 3 - Customers & Success
- Step 4 - Strengths & Weaknesses
- Step 5 - Opportunities & Threats
- Coffee / Stretch Break
- Steps 6 & 7 - Priority Work areas (breakout groups)
- Steps 8 & 9 - Strategies
- Step 10 - What happens next
- Groups recommendations
- Closing remarks
The Global Meeting Facilitator